What My Second Novel Looks Like On the Silver Screen


Every time a novel adaptation is slated for becoming a movie a website pops up where fans weigh in on who they would cast as their favorite characters. When the movie for the first Hunger Games was proposed I got really excited, thinking about what faces I would put into the roles of Katniss Everdeen, Haymitch Abernathy and Effie trinket, for example. I wanted to see Hailee Steinfeld (True Grit) slip into Katniss’ skin and kick some ass. I though Jack Black would make an amazing Haymitch and if Kristin Chenowith had been chosen to be Effie I would have be very, very happy.

Alas, as you all probably know, none of those roles were given to the actors I envisioned. Didn’t stop me from fantasizing.

The other day I was thinking about who I would cast in the novel I’m currently revising. Here’s a hint: Jeremy Renner is a ghost. I like the idea of putting a face to a character, on a wholly personal, subjective level. I had the urge to cast my whole novel, then! Only problem is, because I am in the middle of revisions the characters might change–possibly in significant ways–before the final version of the book.

But the idea wouldn’t leave me alone. What’s a girl to do!?

Answer: Cast another book!

A few of you out there have read the second novel I wrote, a pseudo romance novel by the name of Struck By Chocolate. I will never publish this book, either through traditional means or self publishing. Essentially it is a story of a chocolate maker and the organizer of a world-renowned chocolate competition. And they fall in love. And complications ensue. As they do.

So, without further ado, my dream cast!

Farley Dunaway: Heroine, Organizer of the Cocoa Cabaret, a world-renowned chocolate competition put on by Sweetness, Inc.

Elisabeth Moss is probably best known for her role as Peggy in Mad Men, where she plays an awkward girl coming into her self and her sexuality. Farley is taking a similar path through the course of Struck By Chocolate, learning to love her quirks and, in time, Alex.

Alex Valeri: Hero, apprentice to Leo Gotard of Lionceau Chocolat

Alex Valeri is a headstrong, selfmade man, who has enough masculine energy to power a small city. Oh wait, that’s Gerard Butler. Perfect match!

Stephanie: Farley’s best friend, a freelance travel writer

Stephanie is a bit of a sarcastic, worldly kind of girl, while still being sweet and super thoughtful. A combination of Amy Adams‘ characters in Sunshine Cleaning and Julie & Julia could strike that balance.

Leo Gotard: Owner of Lionceau Chocolat and mentor to Alex

Sure, Christoph Waltz played a Nazi scumbag in Inglourious Basterds, but he did it damn well.

Odette Auchard: Leo’s personal assistant

Julianne Moore can play hard nosed as well as sensitive, which would be perfect for the role of Odette. Odette keeps the admin side of Lionceau Chocolat in line, but she has a deep-seated platonic love for Leo, as well.

Emily Vogler: Farley’s coworker, angling to take her position in Sweetness, Inc.

Amanda Seyfried played the dead girl on Veronica Mars. Her performance of Lilly Kane makes me think she would do a great job as the conniving–if slightly inept–coworker.

Robin: Farley’s personal assistant, a bright young girl with a nautical obsession

Say what you will about Zooey Deschanel, she does pull off cute and quirky well. Robin is both of these things, in spades.

Norah Dunaway: Farley’s mother

Frances Sternhagen has won my heart through her portrayal of Brenda’s mother in The Closer. I think she would do great, adorable justice to Farley’s overbearing, possibly alcoholic, always well-meaning mother.

Well, that was a great way to procrastinate actually working on revisions! Do you have any actors or actresses you would have loved to see in a movie adaptation of your favorite novel? Or maybe you have an actor or actress pegged as perfect for a role in your book? Let me know!

2 responses »

  1. I never really played that game. I can only think of one person and I don’t want him to play in any movie: Nicholas Cage. Ready Player One I would be tempted to cast, but I think I would like to see people I have not met before.

    • I think Amber Riley from Glee would make a good real world version of Aech. Other than that I don’t know who I’d want to see. I can think of a lot of people I *wouldn’t* want. Like Robert Pattinson as Wade. Urgh, that would make me itch.

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